Monday, November 25, 2019

Monday November 25 - Friday November 29

- Did a French checkin with the days of the week, months of the year and numbers
- had another checkin with rounding using numerals and word problems
- worked with our buddies to Deck the Halls at Hawkwood School

- Today we used the iPads to add research to the parkland region of Alberta
- Did a writing prompt about how to build a snowman and practiced our procedural writing
- Mrs. Harms was back in for math - we worked on a new problem solving question (we were all impressed how much easier problem solving gets the more we practice)
- continued comparing and ordering numbers, this time with 5 digit numerals
- had time to work on building our toy - also took time to pause and document the modifications we have made to our plans as well as how the building process is going (what worked well? what has been a challenge?)
- had a bonus video "The Snowman" at the end of the day!

- We had Mrs. Harms come in for math and we worked on a math word problem
- Worked on comparing and ordering 4 digit numerals
- Used textbooks to gather research on the Parkland region of Alberta - ask your child an interesting fact about the region that they learned today
- Continued building our toy - they are looking pretty fun so far!!
- Today was a BLUE day so we were lucky to have gym with Mr. J at the end of the day

- Many of us finished typing our OREO writing on laptops this morning
- Discussed the concept of rounding

- used a different research method (iPads) to collect information on the Boreal Forest region
- Connected with Mrs. Campbell's class to share our toy design
- Started our initial building process... stay tuned for dates for our Toy Arcade!!

Heads up - Deck the Halls is this FRIDAY as the composer for our Opera is in next week!
We will be working with our Grade One buddies to decorate a bulletin board! Please feel free to wear PJs Friday

- Typed up some of our OREO writing on the grasslands region
- finished our place value detective work and starting working on comparing and ordering numbers
- Learned the French months of the year
- Took notes on the Boreal Forest Region of Alberta
- Had time to work on our design of our toy - Please continue bringing in supplies as we will start building and testing soon

Friday is Movember awareness day. Feel free to wear a "Fake" mustache!

Monday, November 18, 2019

Monday November 18 - Thursday November 21

- Finished our Dot art with our buddies
- Had some time to review French numbers and colours
- Worked on finishing our Place Value Detective Books
- Finished City of Ember
- Watched the Movie of City of Ember!!

- Worked on our introduction and conclusions for our OREO writing
- Continued working with place value
- Had a short period of time to begin typing our OREO writing on google docs
- Started planning our Toy in Science

- Our inline skating days are: December 9, 10 and 11!
- Please make sure you have signed up for student led conferences either Thursday or Friday
- Most of us Finished our final body paragraph in our OREO writing
- Still continued working on place value detective, today focusing on Model form of place value
- Ms. Pearson came to help us review how to use Google docs - we will be using this to type up our OREO writing in the coming days/next week
- Started creating our rubric for our new science project

- We have continued with our OREO writing and started the second body paragraph
- Continued with our mystery math with place value
- Listened to the teachers read out the script for our Opera it is titled Mystery of the Stars
- Tomorrow we will have time to buy books from the book fair
- Please continue bringing in supplies for our new science project - ask your child what we are building
- Thursday will be movie day. Feel free to bring in an extra snack that day!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tuesday November 12 - Friday November 15

- Did some quick finish up on OREO writing, next week we will continue writing and begin typing our opinion essays
- Had Gym with Mr. J
- Did Dot art with our buddies - we were the leaders and big helpers
- Had our mental health afternoon - we were inspired by the movie Inside Out to draw our own emotions!!

Heads up - Mon. Dec 9, Tues. Dec 10, Wed Dec 11 from 10:20 - 11:20 - Inline Skating - feel free to bring your own helmet
- Literacy - did a fun writing prompt - ask what we wrote about...
- Math - started a new math detective gave using place value and rounding
- Continued opinion writing with our first body paragraph
- Students have homework they want to know why as a family you live in this area of Alberta and why you stay there

Literacy - We continued learning about opinion writing and took more notes in our literacy books. In the afternoon we began planning our opinion writing essay and what our topics will be
Math - Worked on modeling place value to 10 000 - ask your child what thousands, hundreds, tens and ones look like when we draw them
DPA - it was a beautiful day so we went outside in the afternoon

For our upcoming science unit, Building Vehicles and Devices that Move, we will be collecting a variety of recycled materials. If you and your family have any of the following items available, please send them in with your child throughout the unit:

Yogurt tubs and lids
Old CDs
Cardboard tubes (no toilet paper rolls please, this is a CBE regulation)
Film canisters
Popsicle sticks
Wooden skewers
Tin cans (please tape over any sharp edges)
Plastic Lids
Pop bottles
Milk cartons, jugs and lids
Rubber Bands
Or anything else you or you child thinks might be useful

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

Literacy - started learning about opinion writing OREO

Continued place value on math, again focusing on expanded and standard form

Monday, November 4, 2019

Monday November 4 - Friday November 8

- Finished our final literacy stations
- Took time to write about our field trip yesterday (what we learned, what we liked, would we recommend this trip to someone else)
- Continued some work with place value (expanded form, standard form, written form, model form)
- Read  A Poppy is to Remember - Please bring in a coin donation (loonie or toonie) for a poppy tomorrow
- Did Poppy Art for our assembly - students were given choice in what art they wished to complete

Happy Field Trip Day
A huge thank you to Nadia's Mom, Amira's Mom and Colin's Grandma for helping us out today
We had a chilly start to the day but it was a fantastic trip!!
Started off using our knowledge of simple machines to build vehicles that move (our next unit in science). Key word of the morning - innovate! We will be able to continue the activity we did on our field trip with supplies at school. We got to see some incredible older cars as well
In the afternoon we took on the role of a immigrant coming to the prairies and what it was like to take a train to get there (ask your child how long the trip was and some of the conditions they dealt with).
Got to look inside a sod house and a ranch house and make our own butter!
Heritage Park treated us very well and we all learned a lot!!

Stay tuned... Pictures to follow!!

- Continued literacy stations surrounding Remembrance Day
- Continued working on our 24 hour clock and what a typical day looks like for us
- Wrote a review about simple machines (what are they? what are some types of simple machines? where do we see them in our world?)

- Did some literacy stations with a theme of Remembrance Day
- Reviewed the concept of place value in math and started a new math project
- Talked about LoveYYC day and read an article about that special day
- Had gym
- Spoke about our upcoming field trip - its looking like it will be a snowy/chilly day - come prepared