Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tuesday November 12 - Friday November 15

- Did some quick finish up on OREO writing, next week we will continue writing and begin typing our opinion essays
- Had Gym with Mr. J
- Did Dot art with our buddies - we were the leaders and big helpers
- Had our mental health afternoon - we were inspired by the movie Inside Out to draw our own emotions!!

Heads up - Mon. Dec 9, Tues. Dec 10, Wed Dec 11 from 10:20 - 11:20 - Inline Skating - feel free to bring your own helmet
- Literacy - did a fun writing prompt - ask what we wrote about...
- Math - started a new math detective gave using place value and rounding
- Continued opinion writing with our first body paragraph
- Students have homework they want to know why as a family you live in this area of Alberta and why you stay there

Literacy - We continued learning about opinion writing and took more notes in our literacy books. In the afternoon we began planning our opinion writing essay and what our topics will be
Math - Worked on modeling place value to 10 000 - ask your child what thousands, hundreds, tens and ones look like when we draw them
DPA - it was a beautiful day so we went outside in the afternoon

For our upcoming science unit, Building Vehicles and Devices that Move, we will be collecting a variety of recycled materials. If you and your family have any of the following items available, please send them in with your child throughout the unit:

Yogurt tubs and lids
Old CDs
Cardboard tubes (no toilet paper rolls please, this is a CBE regulation)
Film canisters
Popsicle sticks
Wooden skewers
Tin cans (please tape over any sharp edges)
Plastic Lids
Pop bottles
Milk cartons, jugs and lids
Rubber Bands
Or anything else you or you child thinks might be useful

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

Literacy - started learning about opinion writing OREO

Continued place value on math, again focusing on expanded and standard form

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